Your Name and Title:
Deborah Caldwell-Stone, Director, American Library Association Office for Intellectual Freedom

Library, School, or Organization Name:
American Library Association Office for Intellectual Freedom

Co-Presenter Name(s)

Area of the World from Which You Will Present:
United States, Chicago, IL

Language in Which You Will Present:

Target Audience(s):
Emphasis on public and school librarians and applicable to librarians and library workers from any form of library

Short Session Description (one line):
This session will provide an introduction to legal precedents and laws that impact libraries' provision of materials and services to their users as well as outline the rights of library users of all ages and will also include suggestions for best practices. 

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
Book bans, meeting room controversies, First Amendment auditors, displays and programming -- public libraries and school libraries are addressing a rising number of challenges tied to publicly funded libraries' responsibilities under the First Amendment and other constitutional provisions.  This session will provide an introduction to the legal precedents and other laws that impact libraries' provision of materials and services to their users as well as outline the rights of library users of all ages.  The session will include suggestions for best practices and policies that preserve users' intellectual freedom while complying with the law. 

Presenter Bio: Deborah Caldwell-Stone is director of the American Library Association's Office for Intellectual Freedom and Executive Director of the Freedom to Read Foundation.  Throughout her tenure, she has worked closely with librarians, teachers, and library trustees on a wide range of intellectual freedom issues, including censorship of library resources, book challenges, internet filtering, meeting room policies and the impact of new technologies, regulations, and government surveillance on library users' privacy and confidentiality.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:


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