Your Name and Title: Glen J. Benedict, Access Services Librarian


Library, School, or Organization Name: University of the District of Columbia


Co-Presenter Name(s): N/A


Area of the World from Which You Will Present: United States of America, Eastern Standard Time


Language in Which You Will Present: English


Target Audience(s): Librarians and library staff wishing to do intellectual freedom outreach to audiences at pop culture events (comic cons, etc.)


Short Session Description (one line): Pop culture fan conventions are the perfect way to do outreach on intellectual freedom and banned books, so come to this session and learn how to pick the correct venue for your message, how to tailor your presentation to a pop culture savvy audience, and how to craft a call to action that leads to results in your community.


Full Session Description (as long as you would like): You've read the articles, you joined the mailing lists, you've served on the committees, and you've attended the conferences - where do you take your intellectual freedom advocacy from here? Building support for your institution in your community is important - and that means engaging with the public in an exciting, fun setting. Fan conventions - comic cons, science fiction cons, anime cons, etc. - are full of passionate people who are primed to hear your message about censorship and protecting the freedom to read. In this session, you will learn how to pick the correct venue for your message, how to tailor your presentation to a pop culture savvy audience, and how to craft a call to action that leads to results in your community. It's dangerous to go alone, so it's time to boldly go and assemble an incredible league of library defenders!


Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: N/A

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