Volunteer Special Email

Dear Library 2.011 Volunteers:

Thank you for volunteering to help moderate at the Library 2.011 conference! Your help in this way will make a huge difference to our presenters. We really appreciate you! 

We're two weeks away from our conference, and so we have some important announcements.

1. Signing up to help moderate sessions.  To select presentation time slots to volunteer as a moderator, please use the signup form at http://library2011volunteers.youcanbook.me.  We know that your ability to volunteer depends on working around other commitments you may have, so just know that we greatly appreciate whatever help you can give.  Some of you may only have time to help in one session, and that still makes you a hero to us!  If you have more time or availability, we'll work really hard to convey suitable levels of appreciation!  

It's very hard to know, sometimes until the last minute, exactly how much help we are going to need during any particular hour slot, or how experienced the presenters will be. For the half hour before each session slot, we ask those who have volunteered for the upcoming time slot to "check in" with us in the conference planning room (virtual, of course, and we'll send another email before the conference with that link and reminder details)--that's where we check with our presenters, make sure that everyone who needs help preparing their room gets it, and assign volunteers to a particular session. Because of this, while we are currently running 5 - 6 sessions per hour, we're allowing room for 7 volunteer sign-ups per hour in case we encounter any situations that need a little extra care. If a time slot does not show available, that means there are already enough volunteers scheduled but we will send out emails if we find any gaps arising.

2. Training. We know that not all of our volunteers feel equal expertise in using Blackboard Collaborate (formerly Elluminate), and so we have some training help! We have four one-hour training sessions scheduled between now and the conference, plus each will be recorded. Don't worry!--you only need to attend one session or listen to one of the recordings, and if you're a Blackboard Collaborate pro, you may not even need that. Training information is available at the conference "Training" page at http://www.library20.com/page/volunteers-1.

3. Publicity. We are still getting a lot of sign-ups from all over the world at the conference website, and many people who say, "I can't believe I haven't heard about this conference before!" So keep the great publicity up! There is "Press and Promotional Material" at http://www.library20.com/page/press-promotional, including badges you can put on a website or a blog to link back to the conference site. Thanks for your help!

4. Super-Volunteers. We're looking for a select few brave souls willing to be "super-volunteers"--that is, to help coordinate the volunteers each hour, and to help cover time slots to allow me some sleep time! I will follow up directly with those who have already emailed me, but if you haven't made contact, and you are willing to be a super-volunteer, you can either reach out directly to me at steve@hargadon.com or join the super-volunteer group at http://www.library20.com/group/library-2-011-super-volunteers. We'll have a coordinating meeting next week!

Again, a huge thank you to all of you who have volunteered to help!



Steve Hargadon
Co-Chair, Library 2.011