Google Lit Trips: Virtual Literary Field Trips


 Your Name and Title:
   Jerome Burg, GLT Global ED | Google Lit Trips Founder

Co-Presenter Name(s):

Area of the World from Which You Will Present:
   San Francisco Bay Area, California US

Language in Which You Will Present:

Target Audience(s):
   K-12 educators teaching reading, literature, social sciences, history, global awareness, multicultural literature etc.: Parents

Short Session Description (one line):
   Google Lit Trips: Virtual Literary Field Trips

Full Session Description (as long as you would like):
Order of Presentation
  1. Virtual Demo: What exactly are Google Lit Trips?
  2. What Google Lit Trips are currently available?
  3. Accessing and Viewing Google Lit Trips
  4. Q&A

What Google Lit Trips are?
Google Lit Trips are employ Google Earth for Web’s Content Creation Tool to track the travels of characters in stories commonly taught in grades K-12 on Google Earth.

As students progress through the reading of the stories they become virtual traveling companions traveling right alongside the story’s characters. As they arrive at each place mark, they encounter “just in time” content designed to promote discovery learning where students are encouraged to discover personal relevance to their own life experiences via immersive multi-media, discussion starters, web-links to literary and informational reading appropriate to the themes at the center of attention in this particular location, all set on a stage of full 360° Google Earth views. 

Google Lit Trips are considered supplementary resources that can be integrated into lesson plans that are easily adapted to meet a wide variety of learning objectives with students of varying reading skill sets and special needs.

And, by the way, they are Free!

What Google Lit Trips aren't
Although Google Lit Trips are loved and promoted by Google Education, they are not Google products. Google Lit Trips are the flagship product of GLT Global ED a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit doing business as Google Lit Trips with Google's permission.

About Jerome Burg
Contact info:
After retiring as a 38-year veteran educator fighting the good fight on the front lines of a California high school English classroom, Jerome Burg continues his lifelong devotion to education in creating paradigm-shifting resources via the Google Lit Trips project.

He is a popular conference and professional developer presenter and presented in 24 states as well as in Canada, Ireland, Great Britain and China for Apple Professional Development, Google Geo Teachers Institutes, and various other educational organizations.

He currently serves on the Google Earth Education Experts (GE3) advisory board. In that capacity he was a trusted tester during the development of the Google Earth Content Creation Tool.

Among the recognitions relating to the Google Lit Trip project are:
- Founder, Jerome Burg named recipient of  Computer Using Educators’ LeRoy Finkel Fellowship Recipient
- Google Lit Trips received The Tech Museum of Innovation’s Microsoft Education Award for Technology Benefiting Humanity
- Google Lit Trips awarded The Goldman Sachs Foundation Media/Technology Prize for Excellence in International Education / selected by the Asia Society
- Google Lit Trips referenced in several dozen Google Scholar Search Results
- Google Lit Trips referenced in over 60 Google Books Search Results.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:
- Google Lit Trips: Reading the World
- Welcome to Jerome's Resources
- Accessing and Viewing Google Lit Trips


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