Your Name and Title: Roberta (Robin) Sullivan, Teaching & Learning Strategist 

Library, School, or Organization Name: University at Buffalo Libraries

Co-Presenter Name(s): Nicole Simon, Cherie van Putten, Chris Marchese

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: New York

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): All

Short Session Description (one line): This session will share how the affordances of simulations add value to today’s learning technologies landscape. We will approach this topic by sharing freely available emerging technology tools and resources that are categorized under the "Simulations" category of the State University of New York’s Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success (#EmTechMOOC & EmTechWIKI;

Full Session Description (as long as you would like): 

This session will share how the affordances of simulations add value to today’s learning technologies landscape. We will approach this topic by sharing freely available emerging technology tools and resources that are categorized under the "Simulations" category of the State University of New York’s Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success (#EmTechMOOC & EmTechWIKI;

We will provide a brief overview of the EmTech project as a whole. We will then focus the conversation around how simulations allow us to shift time and space to create authentic learning experiences to engage and motivate learners.

EmTech is targeted to college students, faculty, current and career-seeking professionals, and anyone from across the globe with a desire to learn how to use emerging technologies to succeed in today’s rapidly changing world. The project consists of two main components. #EmTechMOOC is a Massive Open Online Course available through Coursera to promote lifelong learning strategies and the development of critical media-literacy skills. EmTechWIKI is a collection of freely available established and emerging technologies that includes categories such as simulation, gamification, audio/video, presentations, photos, and much more. The WIKI has been built to complement the discovery-based activities in #EmTechMOOC.

This session will include a demonstration of how a few free tools from EmTechWIKI can be used to simulate reality. Simulations are no longer restricted only to those who have access to expensive virtual labs. Brief introductions will be shared including how easy it is to create 360° scenes to post to Google StreetView using a simple smartphone, how to access the many 360° tours accessible through Google Arts & Culture, how CoSpaces can be used to create and hold augmented reality objects in the palm of your hand, among others. 

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session:

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