Covering eLearning 2.0

Taking the idea of Blended Learning even further, there's a nice round up at Read/WriteWeb's e-learning 2.0: All You Need To Know :
eLearning 2.0 takes a 'small pieces, loosely joined' approach that combines the use of discrete but complementary tools and web services - such as blogs, wikis, and other social software - to support the creation of ad-hoc learning communities.
I was pleased to see this technicue explored at the Clenert Training Showcase at the Washington Conference. A group of Emerging Leaders demonstrated how to use various free 2.0 apps to set up an integrated elearing program for library staff development.I know that programs like PLCMC's Learning 2.0 covers learning alot of the applications that might be used, but does anyone have any further thoughts thoughts on this, or a program that uses the skills to teach subjects that are not necessarily 2.0 related?

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