1pm - 7pm PDT / 4pm - 10pm EDT
This year, as a Library 2.014 pre-conference event for K-12 and Teacher Librarians (and anyone else who wants to join!), we're holding Connected Librarian Day on Tuesday, October 7th.
This is an open, online, and free event sponsored by Follett and The Center for International Scholarship in School Libraries (CISSL) at Rutgers.
Read more about the 2014 Connected Librarian Day speakers below the schedule.
Tweet about this event using #cld14. Direct your colleagues, friends, and favorite librarians to http://connectedlibrarians.com for more information.
Click on the hyperlinked session title to view the recording.
To see all of the Library 2.014 recordings, visit http://www.library20.com/page/2014-recordings.
12:30pm PDT / 3:30pm EDT - Welcome and About the Landscape with Britten Follett, Joyce Valenza, Ross Todd & Shannon Miller
1pm PDT / 4pm EDT - Heidi Neltner on "Your Stakeholder Connected Librarian Toolkit"
In the 21st Century, there are many options for staying connected to our school library stakeholders that include technology and good old fashioned face-to-face connections. I’ll share some low-budget - mostly free!- tech tools and strategies you can use with ease to mindfully communicate your programming and success related to stakeholder priorities.
2pm PDT / 5pm EDT - Judy O’Connell on "Leadership in a connected age: change, challenge and productive chaos"
The 21st century school library leader recognizes that without keeping an eye on the future we may be doomed to remaining a prisoner of the past. With this eye on the future, the agile leader welcomes innovation, embraces change and thrives on chaos. But what skills are necessary to survive in the future? What do you need to do today? How will this affect you and your school community? Trends in knowledge construction, participatory cultures and social networks can give us the blueprint to successful leadership in our connected age. The good news is that by preparing today we can successfully meet the challenges of our global connected future of tomorrow.
3pm PDT / 6pm EDT - Michelle Luhtala on "Flipped Learning and the Essential Tools to Get you There"
What does it take to flip your program? Not much! This session will work through ten tools that will help school librarians flip instruction and help promote self-directed learning. Tools discussed will include course management systems, library management systems, eContent Cloud collaboration tools, online voicemail services, text-based instruction, student response applications, playlist creators, screencasting, and blogs.
4pm PDT / 7pm EDT - Patrice Bryan & Darcy Coffta on "Schools' Vortex: Innovative Library Makerspaces"
The shift from consumption-based learning to creation-based learning means many schools are transforming the library into a makerspace. Award-winning, innovative programs attest to the success of this movement. We'll look at what's being done and how educators teach & students learn in this model. The ways we support and advocate for the change from a quiet environment to a bustling activity center will be explored by the panel, as well as ways to highlight & share successes with other schools. The two panelists will showcase recent success in their schools where the library is now the center of action. Here, learning is student-driven & project-based, & kids are producers and sharers of information. Collaboration is key and kids learn from each other. The panelists will share before, during, & after stories of their transition, including best practices.
5pm PDT / 8pm EDT - Matthew Winner & Sherry Gick on "When Sherry Met Matthew: Finding Your Educational Soulmate and Helping Kids to Rule the World"
Kids hold the solutions to the world’s problems, but need the opportunity to rise to the challenge. We asked kids how they would change the world and then constructed a learning environment to do exactly that. What resulted not only translated to an epic win for all of the kids involved, but one of the most meaningful projects we as teachers have ever been a part of. And when the going gets tough, the tough find an incredible educational counterpart to join on the journey.
6pm PDT / 9pm EDT - Jennifer LaGarde on "Imagining Library Spaces of the Future, Today"
Simply put, if your school library is still just a place where students go to check out books, you’re doing it wrong. Today’s school libraries should be places where students engage with information, each other and learners from around the world to ask big questions, solve real problems and build new knowledge. Let’s talk about ways that you can transform the library from a place where students simply consume information, to a participatory space where they create, design, engineer and build the information of the future.
7pm PDT / 10pm EDT - Closing Comments with Britten Follett, Joyce Valenza, Ross Todd & Shannon Miller
Patrice Bryan Maplewood Richmond Heights High School |
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Darcy Coffta Berwick Academy Darcy Coffta is Director of Innovation and Upper School librarian at Berwick Academy, a PK-12 independent day school in South Berwick, Maine. Under Darcy's direction Berwick's Innovation program received a 2013 Follett Challenge Award and was featured as a "School That Shines" by local NBC news affiliate WCSH6. Darcy's recent conference presentations include ISTE 2014 and the 2014 Reidy Interactive Lecture Series. Berwick Innovation will be presenting at the NAIS national conference in Boston in 2015. For more information, you can reach Darcy at Berwick Innovation or via email at darcy.coffta@berwickacademy.org. http://www.berwickacademy.org/bic |
Britten Follett Director of Social Media and Web Content, Follett Corporation A story teller at heart, Britten Follett's investigative television reports earned her the prestigious Emmy and Edward R. Murrow awards. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from Southern Illinois University, where she was an award-winning Division One volleyball player. Today she serves the on the board of the SIU Alumni Association and the Dean's National Advisory Council. She is no stranger to the education industry. Five generations ago, her family founded Follett Corporation. Britten has returned to her roots in Illinois as the President of the Follett Educational Foundation and the Marketing Manager for Follett International. Today she is the director of social media and web content for Follett Corporation. When Britten is not traveling for work, she is traveling across the country, educating the public about child abuse prevention. She sits on the board of Prevent Child Abuse Illinois and is the co-author of Who Killed Kelsey?, a critique on the child welfare system through the murder of a two-year-old girl. http://www.fes.follett.com/ |
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Sherry Gick Library & Instructional Tech Specialist, Rossville Middle/High School Library http://www.thelibraryfanatic.com/ |
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Jennifer LaGarde Librarian Ambassador Jennifer LaGarde (aka library girl!) is the teacher librarian at New Hanover High School in Wilmington, NC as well as the lead librarian for New Hanover County Schools. With over 18 years experience in education as a classroom teacher, teacher librarian, district and statewide leader, Jennifer has been nationally recognized for her contribution to school librarianship and education in general. In 2011, Jennifer was awarded the "I Love My Librarian Award" by the American Library Association, The Carnegie Corporation of New York and The New York Times. She was also named a 2011 "Mover and Shaker" by Library Journal. And in 2013 she was selected as one of five teacher librarians (nationally) finalists for the first ever Bammy Award for outstanding service in the area of school librarianship. Jennifer is the author of the award winning blog The Adventures of Library Girl where she proves you don’t have to be super hero to be a teacher librarian, but having a cape sure helps. http://www.librarygirl.net/ |
Michelle Luhtala Head Librarian, New Canaan High School Michelle Luhtala is the department chair of New Canaan (CT) High School Library. She facilitates a professional learning community for over 7,000 school librarians and tech integrators at edWeb.net/emergingtech. She serves on the American Association of School Librarians’ (AASL) Board of Directors and the Connecticut Digital Library's advisory committee on databases. Michelle is a contributing author to Growing Schools: Librarians as Professional Developers. She blogs at Bibliotech.me. See Michelle's Connected Librarian Day presentation at http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/mluhtala-2287647-flipped-learning-essential-tools/. http://Bibliotech.me |
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Shannon Miller Teacher Librarian & Technology Integration Specialist Shannon is a teacher librarian and technology integration specialist. She encourages young people and educators to have a voice while learning, creating, collaborating, and connecting to others globally. She is an educational consultant for Mackin Educational Resources, Director of School and Library Strategy for In This Together Media and Executive Director of Library & Educational Services for Biblionasium. She speaks and consults in Iowa and around the country on education, librarianship, technology, social media, and making a difference in education and the lives of others. Shannon is the author of the award winning The Library Voice blog and enjoys writing for various blogs, journals and other forums. Shannon is a member of ALA, AASL, IASL, ILA, ISTE, SIGMS, ASCD, Children's Literature Network and Board of Directors,Iowa Student Learning Institute. Shannon serves on AASL Best Websites committee and STEM Task Force; advisory boards for Library Journal, Horn Book, and School Library Journal; School Library Monthly; Rosen Digital Library, StarWalk Kids board of advisors; EasyBib advisory board; BiblioNasium advisory board; eSchool Media advisory board; and Gale K12 Customer advisory board. She is a FableVision Ambassador, Social Media WRADvocate for LitWorld's World Read Aloud Day and on the Board of Advisors for In This Together Media. She is part of the Bammy Awards Council of Peers. She has served as advocacy chair for IASL and Iowa Center for the Book Advisory Council. In 2011,Shannon was awarded the Connecting People Shorty Award and was chosen to be part of the SLJ New Leaders Program in 2012. In 2013,she was named one of the Faces of Innovation from Broadband for America; one of 50 featured in the 2013 Center for Digital Education Yearbook; and one of the featured Connected Educators with the Connected Educators projects partnered with the US Department of Education. In 2014,Shannon was named a Library Journal Mover & Shaker. http://vanmeterlibraryvoice.blogspot.com/ |
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Heidi Neltner Teacher Librarian at Johnson Elementary, Fort Thomas Kentucky http://learninprogress.blogspot.com/ |
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Judy O’Connell Courses Director, Faculty of Education, School of Information Studies Charles Sturt University http://judyoconnell.com/ |
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Joyce Valenza Lecturer, Rutgers University Library and Information Science Joyce is an Assistant Professor and co-director of the MLIS program at Rutgers University School of Communication & Information. She has been a school, public and special librarian. For ten years, Joyce was the techlife@school columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Tag Team Tech column for VOYA. She is the author of several books for ALA Editions. Her NeverendingSearch Blog (on the SLJ website) won an Edublogs Award for 2005 and 2009. She was selected as a Technology and Learning 100@30 and was awarded an Edublogs Lifetime Achievement Award in 2011. Joyce is active in ALA, AASL, YALSA, and ISTE. Joyce earned her doctoral degree from the University of North Texas in August, 2007 and speaks nationally about issues relating to libraries and thoughtful use of educational technology. She considers herself a founder and mother of the school library Geek Tribe, #tlchat, and TL Virtual Café. http://about.me/jvalenza |
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Matthew Winner Teacher Librarian Matthew Winner is an elementary school teacher librarian in Elkridge, Md. He is a 2013 Library Journal Mover & Shaker and was named a White House Champion of Change. Matthew is the host of the popular children’s literature podcast Let’s Get Busy and the author of the Busy Librarian blog. Find Matthew online at @MatthewWinner or by visiting BusyLibrarian.com. http://www.busylibrarian.com/ |