I and Thou: Diversity and Our Lenses of Perception

Your Name and Title:

Ethan Marek, Public Services Librarian


Library, School, or Organization Name:

University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg


Co-Presenter Name(s):



Area of the World from Which You Will Present:

Pennsylvania, United States


Language in Which You Will Present:



Target Audience(s):


Front Line Library Workers

People in public service


Short Session Description (one line):

Barriers to equity and embracing diversity can be torn down as greater realization of the ubiquity of the role of individual perception comes into focus as impacting how we interact with people in a diverse world.


Full Session Description (as long as you would like):

The present is now the time, as it has been for generations in progress, to embrace the notions of human equity. It is through the lenses of our perception that we view the world.  Through introspection, contemplation, listening, empathy, and understanding we can begin to see the interconnectedness of our own existence in relation to our fellow marooned passengers on this island, Earth. It is hoped that in this realization of sameness, that barriers that divide us can begin to crumble.

 By applying concepts from Martin Buber's seminal work, “I and Thou”, to notions of equity and diversity, one has the ability and potential to bloom into a new state of conscious perception of interpersonal communication and interaction.  The ideological framework behind which we construct relationships in the world is examined as we think about how we think when we are thinking during our engagement with others. With greater introspection and conscious realization of our perception of other people, we are able to view the differences of diversity as beautiful facets of the same diamond of humanity.


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